A bespoke visual design system created for the world’s leading audio platform
Spotify Advertising Academy was a set of video and still assets designed for Spotify Advertising’s e-learning platform, the Academy, which teaches users best practice audio advertising standards.
The project involved creating a bespoke character style, that could be easily extrapolated into a modular illustration system for current and future Academy courses.
Together with the Vidico team, we created the character and visual style. We decided on a stylised, appealing character style, using minimal features, shape-based limbs – and no necks – to allow us to lean into a bouncy, dynamic animation style.
The style proved a hit and has been used widely beyond the Academy, across a diverse range of Spotify Advertising’s digital and physical collateral.
Spotify Advertising Academy Illustrations & Video
Creative Direction: Keith Crawford
Art Direction & Production: Riley Nicholls
Illustration: Darya Semenova
Production Company: Vidico
Client: Spotify